I went in for what is now weekly appointments to check on Hudson (and me, but him more importantly). I had the 3rd of 3 monthly growth scans to chart his growth to make sure he is still getting the nutrients he needs and my placenta hasn't, in the words of my doctor, "pooped out." (As if I don't feel lazy enough lately, even my placenta could be wussing out!)

Great news, though! Hudson is growing great and our little boy weighs now an estimated 3 pounds and 12 ounces and is measuring in the 65th percentile for his size. Based on his size, he is measuring a little ahead and puts us at Feb 7th. However, the doctor has decided at this point not to change the due date.

Now, because his growth curve looks good, they are proceeding with weekly ultrasounds to determine his movements. These are called Biophysical Profiles or BPPs. This will measure his heart rate, muscletone, movement, breathing and the amount of amniotic fluid. We've been so blessed to have positive reports so far. We appreciate the continued love and prayers and know that each day Hudson remains safe is another day closer to holding our healthy baby boy.

On a lighter note, even though I've had numerous ultrasounds, I haven't lost the wonder and awe when he comes onto the screen. Seeing his tiny heart beating and his sweet face come into focus makes my heart melt. This time, Dan had to be in LA on business and was unfortunately unable to make it to our appointment. Even still, he didn't seem very far away when "little Dan" appeared on the screen. The entire time the technician was measuring him his mouth just kept moving like he was telling some incredible story. Yes, I know he was really just guzzling amniotic fluid for you technical buzz kills out there. :) But for me, I prefer to think he's practicing his sweet little voice for our little talks and I absolutely cannot wait to hear all he has to say.


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