Mommies, Daddies, and Bankies

The days seem to be fast forwarding now, going more and more quickly the closer we get to the arrival of Hudson. Back on bedrest now, I've had a lot of time to think, to imagine what life is going to be like with our little boy. Walking into his room and peering into his crib, I see the sweet face of his brand new Banky, just waiting for him to cuddle up next to him.
To back up a bit, when I was a newborn, I was given my Banky, a pink and white Fisher Price bunny blanket, by my sister, Kim. Banky has followed me throughout life, giving me security through times of fear, and comfort in times of sadness. He's been my true and constant friend. Growing up, Mom and I always talked about putting Banky in a case with a sweet poem she had found explaining his worth, but that day never did come, and although he didn't accompany me to college (Banky was not allowed to leave the house from the time I was very little- which thinking back was pretty smart of Mom and Dad!) or wasn't constantly at my side, I knew when I came home, I could find him in my top drawer and he would still provide the same comfort he always had. His tattered ears, missing eyes and nose, and worn body tell a story of years of growing up, of learning to deal with life's hurdles and to take challenges head on. He was repaired numerous times by my great-grandmother, and reinforced with soft satin where material no longer remained.
Funny enough, Dan also had this same bunny blanket in blue growing up. While home for the holidays, Mom and Dad revealed that they had found this very same blanket for Hudson. Hudson's Banky now awaits him in his crib.

Looking at Banky, or "Banks" as mine was affectionately called, I realized that Mommies and Daddies are much like Bankies. Okay, now, hold on, Mom and Dad, don't get offended that I just compared you to this pitiful display of material, but hear me out. Just like Bankies, Mommies and Daddies take on the worries and fears of their little ones. With each heavy-hearted moment, they take on those heartbreaks and the wear as their own. And just like my Banky, their work is never done, nor are they outgrown.
These past two weeks my own daddy has come up to work endless hours to help us put together our basement, knowing his little girl was stressed and wanting more than anything to make that pain go away. Mom has made numerous trips to "watch me" while Dan is away on business and to help me prepare for Hudson's arrival. She never misses the opportunity for a daily pep talk to tell me all will be alright and tell me how proud she is of me through the pregnancy.
So as we near these final days before you arrive, Hudson, I make one promise to you. I will be your Banky. All fresh and new now, I have no idea of the obstacles that we will face, but even still, I await the challenge. I will take on all the fears and worries of your sweet little heart, and do all in power to protect you from life's heartaches. But, for those times when I can't be there, I know Banky will provide for you the comfort you need to be the strong little boy I know you already are.
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