Road Trip!

Last week Dan had to start traveling again for work. On Monday, he had a daytrip to Denver, which brought him home by midnight, but his trip to Phoenix later in the week was for longer. Knowing Dan would be away from Wednesday until Friday, I came up with the bright idea to take Hudson to Derby to spend some much needed time with my family and so that he could meet my Papa (Hudson's Poppy).
Dan and I travel a great deal. Between having family in Hutchinson and Derby and 2 lake homes between our families, we spend a lot of weekends away from home. We've gotten pretty good at packing up the car and the dogs pretty quickly and heading out. This trip, however, was not nearly the same.
I realized it would be a task traveling with Hud by myself, but didn't really envision how critical timing was. The plan was to pack up while Hudson was sleeping and then when everything was all packed, wake him up and feed him and burp him so that he would be set for a 3+ hour stretch until the next feeding. I woke up at 7 am and thought I'd start getting packed up and maybe I could wake him around 9 and feed him early. Nope, not quite. Amazingly, Hudson slept until about 10:30. Dan and I both had our things packed and quickly got to work. Dan likes to call it our NASCAR method. I had Hudson down on the changing table changing his diaper, while Dan got started on changing his clothes and getting him his bottle. As quickly as we worked I still didn't make it out of the house until 11:30. The plan was to take the dogs with us, but in a game time decision, decided I had a lot on my plate already and the last thing I needed was Daisy curling up in Hudson's carrier in the backseat.
Hudson was super during the drive, but, in true hyper mom fashion, I occasionally had my freak outs. Dan put up a mirror so that I could see Hudson's face in my rear view mirror, but periodically he would move or the mirror would shift and I could no longer see him. Even times I could see him, I still couldn't tell if he was breathing or not, so I'd pull over and check it out. Poor guy, once I'd pull over, I'd open his door to check his breathing and slam it shut, which inevitably would startle him and he would let out a whimper. I would then open the door again to find him asleep, but slamming the door shut again would once again wake him. (Yes, I did try to lightly close the door, but then feared it wasn't shut all of the way and would come flying open once I hit the highway!) But, even with our repetitive stops, we made it safely to Derby.
It was so nice to be "home" but very odd to be back in my childhood house with my very own little boy. Mom and Dad had moved a cradle into my bedroom for him to sleep and I had packed his giraffe swing "just in case." Hudson loved the constant holding and rocking with Nee-Nee and enjoyed watching ESPN and hanging out with Grandpa. He even got a visit from his Nana and Granddad and was introduced to my dear friends Jenni and A.J. He also got to spend some QT with Aunt Kim, and cousins Chase and Molly. The best part of the trip was introducing Hudson to his great-grandpa, my Papa and his Poppy. I pray that I may live to meet my very own great-grandchildren! I am so very blessed to have such a wonderful family to embrace Hudson.
On Friday, Hudson and I said goodbye to Derby and headed back to Olathe. The farewell was bittersweet. Since leaving "home" I always find it hard to go, but something about having a child has made it all a little different. I miss my family so very much and miss our special time together. But, I know that we will see them again soon. Besides, I knew my husband would be very disappointed if his family wasn't home waiting for him when he got there!
Dan got in around midnight and it was incredible to watch Hudson light up when he heard his voice. He didn't want to go to sleep for looking at him, completely enamored by the sight of his daddy's face. What an amazing bond they have already. I can't wait to see all the adventures they endure together!
Ok, naptime is almost over. More blogging later :)
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