
Yep, I've been a slacker lately. I have been a bad blogger and for that, I apologize. But, in my defense, I hear about every day to enjoy every moment, so I have been doing just that. :)
So here is your dose of "ketchup", (i.e. to catch you up! :)
We got our family pictures! It was so funny to take pictures with the little guy. Of course he looks fabulous in every one, but me on the other hand... well, let's just say I spent much more time making sure he was camera ready. Funny how that happens. I'll be sure to post when I get them uploaded to my computer.
The Jayhawks choked. Again, I can say things like this because I am a diehard fan. So much for our first flight with Hudson. So much for Hud seeing his first National Championship. So much for making Title memories with the Hud-man. Yes, it was a sad day in our house. How did Dan take it? Amazingly well. Hudson has a lot of power. With him in Dan's arms the man seemed barely phased. Doesn't seem possible does it? Far cry from the man I had to pry from his seat in tears in OKC after a first round loss to Bucknell. We know we've only just begun our Jayhawk memories with Hudson, they'll be plenty of years for titles.
Hudson took his first trip to Hutch. The last week of March we took our very first family trip to Hutchinson. There Hudson got to meet his great-grandmother Marie and Great-Granddad Warren. Seeing the joy on their faces as they first met are moments I will forever remember. What an amazing sight to see Hudson's tiny young hands intertwined with theirs. It's a picture that says so much, shows the contrast of new life to that of experience. Hands that will do so much and hands that already have. Hands that are weathered with lines that tell the stories of their lives. These hands have seen much joy and endured such sorrow. These hands have been clammy with nervousness, shaken with excitement of new love, held a fallen comrade, felt the soft skin of a newborn entering the world, and held the hand of a loved one leaving it. They have been used to build a home and a life for their family. Hudson has such a life ahead of him and in time, his hands too will show the lines of his own life story. What an amazing future he has before him.
Hudson is so blessed to have 3 great-grandparents, but I couldn't help but think of the ones that are no longer with us. When I was pregnant with Hudson I had a dream one night of my Grandma Margarette. She told me I had a beautiful little boy and that she and her "mama" had been fighting over who got to hold him. She promised me all would be fine and my baby was perfect. I don't know how the whole process of coming to Earth from heaven works but I like to think Hudson has already been held and loved by all those who have passed before us. How else would he have a prominent "angel kiss" from Aunt Brooke displayed proudly on his forehead? :)
Our weekend in Hutch was a wonderful time spent with his Nana and Granddad, the extended Schmitt family and a variety of friends wishing us well. We are so blessed that our little family is surrounded by such love and support.
Dan and I even had our first Hudson-free "date." Nana and Grandmother watched him while we got out of the house and had a nice adult lunch and shopping trip. It was so strange to be without the little guy, and as much as we tried not to, couldn't help but talk about him. He is pretty much all I do these days :)
The following weekend we took our first family trip to Derby. Easter morning the Easter bunny covered Hudson's cradle with plastic eggs and other surprises. Hudson kicked and smiled as we took a million pictures. Holidays just aren't the same as they used to be. I take such joy in seeing them through his eyes and know the best is yet to come.
Currently, I'm still in Derby with my family. Dan left Sunday for home and flew out to Las Vegas on Monday. He will return home on Friday and Hudson and I will be waiting on him. So excited to spend the weekend as a family. I miss Dan so much and I know how hard it must be to be away from us. He is a wonderful husband and daddy to work so hard so that I can spend this precious time with Hudson.
So that's our past few weeks in a nutshell. Gotta run, Mom just took Hud because I was multi-tasking :)
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