
While we were in Colorado we stayed at my parent's home in Frisco. For the first few days we were there, Mom and Dad drove up from Derby and joined us. It's always such a treat to spend time with them and Hudson loves getting the extra attention!
I think the mornings with Hudson are my favorites. There's just something about a cuddly sweet boy in his "jjs" all rested from a night of slumber facing the day with such innocence and excitement anticipating each moment as it unfolds before him. I especially enjoy mornings with my parents. I've always been a morning person so I tend to let Dan sleep while I tackle the morning routine. This allows me some special time with Hudson and on this day, some extra time with Mom and Dad as well. Over the last few months I have been in a Derby a great deal and more recently have greatly missed the morning company I had while I was there.
It was the final morning my parents were in Frisco and Hudson had just finished his breakfast. I was cleaning up and Mom was talking with Hudson. "Can you give me a kiss?" I could hear her say. I was laughing to myself, "umm yeah, don't think so, Mom, that'll be a while." I continued to clean as I heard Mom instructing him, "oooohwahhh" she repeated. Again, I laughed. But, as I peered through to the dining room, I saw it. Hudson was grabbing Mom's face and pulling it close to him, mouth wide open with the sweetest little "oohwah!" My heart melted
I don't know how exactly. I may have very well leaped over the counter to grab him from her arms, but next thing I knew Hudson was in my arms, proudly displaying his new trick. "Oohwah!"
That night as we were winding down from a busy day in the mountains, Hudson stood in my lap looking at my face as I talked with him and recounted the day. Again, as if on cue, he took my face in his hands and pushed his mouth, open as wide as he could against my cheek. "Oohwah!" I started giggling. He started giggling. A kissing fight was on. First me, then him, "oohwah!" all over the place.
I was covered in drool and at times his kisses and grabbing my face was just a little too rough, but I didn't care. This is the good stuff.
Off for more kisses from my sweet baby....
Oh, and as you can see, no one is safe, even Daisy, from the kisses of the Hud. Watch out!
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