My 99%er

You've seen the posts. You've seen the pictures. I know. My Hudson is a "big guy" :) (yes, the shirt says it all) While, trust me, I know from lifting him all of the time, he is quite "husky," what I do find funny is the need for strangers to comment on his size.
The words range from the usual, "Whoa! What are you feeding him?" (to which I have experimented with different replies in my head from Weight Gainer to Twinkies) to the the downright RUDE. A rather large woman in Target even felt it necessary to let me know that she had never seen such a "fat breastfed baby" (yes, she had asked me before saying this if I nursed him). As I gazed down at my sweet Hudson's smile feeling like a failed mama a kind woman came to my defense. "I would take those healthy cheeks over a skinny baby any day."
Yep, she was right. This past week, Hudson had his first cold. Those nights holding his feverish body while hearing his sweet baby sniffles and cough broke my heart. Now, just a few days later, my guy is feeling much better and I can't help but think of all of those mamas and daddies out there with truly sick kiddos. I may have a biggin' (or as one sweet man said,"you've got a 99%er") I wouldn't have it any other way. He is strong and healthy just as I prayed for nine long months and continue to do each night. And so, today as he proudly wore his "big guy" shirt, I thanked God for my happy, healthy Hud.
I'm not sure you can ever win with babies. Mine are the opposite end of the spectrum and I get comments about how little they are. And though no one has ever come right out and asked me if I feed my kids enough, I'm sure there are people who wonder! With Preston I was constantly worried about how small he was, if he was eating enough, if he was drinking enough, how much he weighed etc.. It was kind of engrained in me from the minute he was born though. He was weighed every day and so much emphasis was put on what he weighed and how much he had gained. With Lauren being full term I was sure I would have a chunky baby, but at 21 months and 22 pounds, that's not the case! Guess my kids were meant to be little :) You've got the right idea though...just be thankful for their health no matter what their size!