Someone got hungry
Mondays tend to be crazy around here. It really doesn't matter what I do. That's just the way it is.

Since I wasn't feeling well last night I put both kids in bed by 7. That resulted in Charli waking at 5. No problem, after eating and smiling for a little over and hour she was ready to go back to sleep. Great.
Not so fast. Then, Hud was awake.
And so our Monday started earlier than usual and a bit crazier than most. Within 30 minutes of being up both Daisy and the Hud had peed on the floor. Ahh Monday.
When Charli finally awoke again at 9, I decided we needed to get out of the house. We ran to the bank, to Vitamin Shoppe and finally to Target. We seemed to have hit our stride for the day.
As I neared the end of our shopping list I glanced at the time. 11:03. Charli needed to eat again at 11:30 and so the race was onto finish our shopping and get home. I was picking out soups and saw Campbell's had some Toy Story And Cars soups. I showed Huddy the Cars one and asked, "would you like to try this one?"
"Yeah, mom!" Hudson proclaimed and took the can from my hand.
I hurried through the aisle and into the produce.
"Num, num, mommy!" The Hud shouted.
I looked down to see my sweet son had pulled back the tab on the can of soup and was chugging it. Really?! Oh yes, dimply smile Hud looked up at me, broth running down his chin as he chomped on car-shaped pasta.
Mortified, I made it to the checkout and quietly put the half-opened can on the conveyer belt. "Someone got hungry." I muttered.
The cashier looked to me, appalled. "I can't believe someone would do that it the middle of thr store!"
Red-faced I answered, "that someone was my son."
Lessons learned.
1. Whenever asking the Hud if he'd like to try something I need to qualify WHEN.
2. Soup truly is ready to eat.
After I left the store I called my mom to share the events.
And what was her response? "Oh, that poor baby is so hungry. You go home and feed him."
Right. Because the Hud misses a lot of meals.
Thank you, God, for Mondays because without them, I couldn't appreciate the ease of the rest of the week.
I did take my mom's advice. Here's Hudson enjoying his soup like a normal kid.
Scratch that, my son is anything but normal. And for that, I'm thankful.
Happy Monday, everyone!
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