"Some days I feel like I'm just repeating the same day over and of again." I grumpily told Barks this morning. And a lot of of days, it's true. We aren't super scheduled or rigid around here but certain things always have to happen. Meals have to be made, the kitchen cleaned, toys picked up. It's easy to lose track of the days as they run into one another.
All in a days work...

Ok, so capturing clapping in still shots is a bit hard! (Shout out to lil A for showing this mama I hadn't yet taught C!)

Our play date for this morning was cancelled due to a sick kiddo and so I decided to use today to do some much procrastinated cleaning. I dread cleaning out the kids' closets and drawers as it always makes me sad. Today I tackled Hudson's and it brought tears to my eyes packing away all of his clothes.
As a result of my purging, the rest of the house is a mess. I haven't gotten a chance to shower yet today and unless you walk into Hudsons's room you would swear cleaning was the last thing on my agenda. (Although after nap, even his room may not show my accomplishments.)
But, the things you may not know about were the prodest moments of my day.
So what were those? A "whoa poop" (in Hudson's words) in the potty, some sweet cutting skills by the Hud, and Charli learned to clap!
Maybe weak for some but I'm pretty proud.
All in a days work...
Oh, and this. Giggles and reading a book before nap.
I guess living the same day over and over again has its perks.
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