What's better than that?
You know what's nice? Lying in bed watching the Today Show drinking coffee.

You know what else is nice? Not going to the grocery store for a week and not cooking.
You know what's nicer? Looking at model homes in the middle of the day without someone on your hip pulling your earrings and the other taking off his clothes. (I'll share that story later. Get excited, it's a good one.)
Know what's better than that? Eating leisurely dinners after 7:00 and having adult conversation with my husband.
I know, it's hard to top but let me try...
This. A full day, in the sun, relaxing by the pool. Cold beverages and adult company, and reading. Yep. Life. Is. Good.
The kiddos are at Camp Granddad and Nana this week and while I do miss them, (yes, hard to believe from this post) I am enjoying the peace, quiet and clean!!
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