Better late than
Leave it to me to get behind before I even get started.
More than anything I think that in itself speaks volumes about what changes when you become a mom. Just the other day I read a thought-provoking article about "being late" and the shift in our culture in which individuals are all-too-often disrespectfully late.
The writer spoke of business colleagues and prospective clients breezing in 10-15 minutes late, sometimes with a quick update via text or phone of them "running a bit behind" or "caught in traffic" or quite often no notice or much of an apology at all. He spoke of the lost art of manners and etiquette, of disregard to the importance of another's time.
I found these to be quite interesting thoughts and frankly, a concept as a mom I hadn't given much thought to. As a child I remember how nervous and frustrated I would get at my older brother over-sleeping and the anxiety that came with watching the minutes of the clock tick by. If we didn't leave by 7:51 I most certainly was not going to arrive in that perfect "don't have to sit in the gym and the bell hasn't rang yet" window.
As a teen I methodically and perhaps obsessively timed the drive to school and scoped what arrival allowed me the optimal sleep to good parking ratio. In college, I hated walking into class late so much I sometimes found if I was going to be late, ok, I should warn my parents right now to stop reading . . . I would skip class altogether. Yes, appalling isn't it?!
For those who knew me in my later college days, and for some of those before school StuCo meetings and 6 AM cheer practice in high school, you may remember the story differently. Yes, over time I got a bit more lax. And as for StuCo and cheer, well, that was just too early! But as a rule I truly hated being late and carefully saw to it I was not.
Then, came Hudson. I don't think I can blame him entirely, as it's been a slow shift. But so much happens when you have babies and when you leave the "working world" behind there's an entirely new planet you become apart of.
Our days consisted largely for the last few years of play dates and coffees, the occasional doctors appointment or kid class. And while I try my darnest, I know I've slacked. A lot.
No, I don't tend to be late to doctor appointments. I may run a couple of minutes late to kid classes. But what am I most often late for? Play dates or other get togethers with my friends. Sadly, the very people I cherish the most often get the brunt of my lateness. And for that I'm very sorry. I'm going to try to be better.
But what's kind of cool about that? They totally get it. They understand, they don't expect apologies and they often go ahead and order so there's some snacks to share when my kiddos arrive.
I'm so very thankful for the little blessings in my rear view mirror for making this mama lose a track of time. And thank you, God for dear mommy friends who just "get it."
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