Then, we say these words
"Now I lay me down to sleep.
I pray The Lord my soul to keep.
May angels watch me through the night
And keep me in their blessed sight. Amen,"
It's been incredible to see through time how his recitation has improved. What started out early on as only mumbles and an "aaaa men " has evolved into a well said and articulated prayer. And yet, one word remains incorrect. I have tried, repeatedly to get him to say it right, and still, he does it his way.
Last night, as we interlocked hands and he asked all of us to keep our eyes open, I watched him as he prayed. He carefully articulated each word. I thought for sure this time he would say it just right. But as he approached the words, he said "MY angels watch me through the night..."
"Aww man," I thought. "He almost had it."
But then I thought about those words. "MY angels." Yep. I guess he had it more right than I thought.
I think we all know of some special angels who are watching after our sweet babies.
Absolutely! Out of the mouths of babes!