This guy

Today I am thankful for this guy. The heart on this kid astounds me each and every day. He loves everyone with all that he has. 

He had a rough start to kindergarten. He was being bullied, and it broke my heart for my sweet boy to be hurting so badly. 

Each evening he would get out his art supplies and draw a picture or have me help him write a note. I would mutter under my breath as he would ask to spell those same names I had heard just moments before had hurt him, but I obliged. Each day he would take a note to a different student, come home and do it all again.  I shook my head, tried to convince him this wasn't a good idea as I feared the rejection he was faced with as he gave these notes. 

But then, day by day, I began opening his backpack to find kind notes and pictures from friends here and there, and then lots. One particular evening he piled the notes to take them to his room then turned to me with that dimply smile, "see mom? My friends are the nicest friends ever." 

They are, sweet boy. But you are the one who saw it there all along. 


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