Just one YES
It’s no secret we’ve been struggling with sleep with the Chach. Last night may have been the worst yet, so when an excited boy tapped my sleeping self on the shoulder and said, “mommy, I made breakfast” the last thing I wanted to do was remove myself from bed. The very last thing. I felt another nudge. I wanted to ignore it. I tried to. But, I said yes and got up.
A beautiful spread awaited me with a special cereal picked out for each of us (the other two are still sleeping
😉), he made place cards, and carefully set out spoons. He even cleaned and put away everything after he prepared.

He’s always been the softie. He’s always been the one who just as he said, “wanted to take care of his mom and dad because they do so much for him”
There’s so much I would have missed by saying “no” and staying in bed (aside from the obviously extra hour of snoozing

I would’ve missed this spread. He would have eaten here alone, waiting on his family. I would’ve missed the stark contrast of the little boy that would make such breakfasts for me since he was 3; the wiped down table, the clean countertop, the milk and cereal boxes neatly put away. I would have missed the blush and sparkle of a proud heart knowing he touched someone else’s. I would have missed him pulling out my chair and sitting politely and waiting for me to take the take the first bite. I would’ve missed the conversation just he and I. I would’ve missed him sharing some not-so-nice things on the playground, some hard lessons of “friends” not being kind and boys trying to be “cool.”
😢 I would’ve missed lifting him up with positivity and sharing that there will always be “naysayers” but I will forever be his biggest “yaysayer!” I would’ve missed him taking my hand, taking me to the couch and cuddling and giggling in our uniquely quiet house. I would’ve missed all of these moments, these memories.

Maybe I’m extra sensitive because Hud and I drove to Lawrence to watch my nephew’s last basketball game of high school last night, but even with that. I know. These moments fade too fast.
Grateful for each one of them. Grateful for the “yes” that brings me to them. Grateful for health and happiness and freedom that allows me to appreciate this time. Grateful for a renewed perspective that pulled me from that bed to experience this instead of grumbling how “tired” I was. Instead of complaining this cereal wasn’t on my “eating plan” or seeing soggy cereal or the amount of milk “wasted” instead of the intention that was put into it. Isn’t it amazing how different perspective can transform the same situation into something beautiful? How many of these I missed before, and I know some are bound to slip by. I’m not perfect.
But I am Grateful. blessed. Loved.
#barkerstogether #journeyofyes #nudges #whisper #listen #perspective#freedom #lovehard #sweetestboy #momlife #littlethings #boymom
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