Praying circles
Anyone ever read The Circle Maker? ❤️
This morning as I sat on the porch listening to the raindrops hit the roof, watched the red birds play in the trees (anyone else pretty sure those are hugs from passed loved ones? 😍) and talked to God, I was reminded of the many circles I have made around this place. For 5 years I have walked this hill and prayed around this property, dreamt of what could be and asked God for the guidance, the grit and the financial blessings to make them come true.
None of this has come easily. None of it has come without setbacks or trials. And while I am so very lucky to have so many who support and encourage us, we still have our critics, our skeptics, our naysayers.
Does that discourage me? Yep. I’d like to say it doesn’t, but it still hurts. But is it going to stop me? Nope. I’m a lifer. I love what I do. I love helping friends discover how their bodies and minds were made to feel and the power they have within to build the life they want. I love the flexibility it provides our family to pick up the kids on a Thursday and head to the lake. I love the priceless time it has granted me with my babies. I love the abounding blessings it has provided our family to be able to dream bigger and enjoy the fruits of our hard work now, not in 20+ years when we retire. I love how close this has brought Barks and I as best friends and as a couple, the ability to dream and grow together.
No, this isn’t all by our power. This has been the ultimate opportunity for God to meet us where we are and to show off. The result of fervent prayers, steadfast faith, hope, and blood, sweat and many tears. And I while I know this chapter has only just begun, I can’t wait to see all the prayers answered here! ❤️
What’s a big God-sized dream you have?
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