
This is the Blessing Box. I remember making it with my mom in the fall of 1988. I was 8 years old and remember how proud of this little white box I was. We carefully applied the decals and decorated it just so. Mom explained to me that each year we would write what we were thankful for and could capture these memories for years to come. Each Thanksgiving, we open the box and read through our blessings through the years. It gives us a chance to look back on the past and remember those who are no longer with us to celebrate.
This year, as I sorted through the blessings of past years, I saw snapshots of different phases of my life, from the excitement of "an A on my math test" to the silly 9 year old that was thankful "the pilgrims didn't eat liver" to the joy of coming home in college to "clean laundry and a Mom-cooked meal" to the giddy girl "blessed to have found my soul mate."
As I thought about what I would write for my blessings this year, the Blessing Box seemed so small. It couldn't possibly hold all of the things I am blessed with in my life. But, as I looked at a small slip of white paper written in my eight-year old just-learning-cursive handwriting, it all became clear.
Although my definition of family has changed dramatically since that time, and many new members added, the sentiment remains the same. Family always has been and will remain the most important blessing in my life. I am truly very blessed and look so forward to celebrating these blessings with the newest member of our family next Fall.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
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