I'd like you to meet the newest member of our family

He arrived today. And although we haven't gotten acquainted yet, I know he's going to make all of my dreams come true.
Dan and I are the proud new owners of the Sleep Number i8 in a KING size, complete with temperature balancing material and a thick 12 inches of plush pillowtop. The picture above is how he arrived to my house today. Unfortunately, he still sits taunting me in 6 large boxes in the living room, boxes I have walked by throughout the day, resisting the temptation to tear them open and start attempting to put it together.
It feels almost like an experiment, that I'm being watched by secret cameras as I walk by the boxes and examine them one by one, all the while hearing Dan's voice repeating in my head, "You have to wait for me to help you." Meanwhile I hear him and Matt hammering in the basement and occasionally he comes upstairs to check on me to make sure I haven't touched anything.
Chalk it up to another character flaw, but I have no patience for things like this. I put it in the same category as keeping a secret from Dan or waiting until Christmas to give him a gift. I'm dying here!
Let's see how long I last... my bet is it won't be until Thursday night when we're supposed to be putting it together.
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