
Blogging has, and will continue to take a back seat for now. Basement construction is in its final stages as we struggle to meet our Superbowl deadline. This means long days for me painting or working down there with any free moment and when Dan is home he heads down to work. Being a single parent of sorts lately doesn't leave a lot of free time for the blog so I admit I've been neglectful.

This picture pretty adequately depicts life around here lately. Hudson rules the house. Whatever the Hud wants, he pretty much gets. He wanted Daisy in the tub. Daisy wanted to see him, and so in Daisy went. No, I'm not proud of the fact that my son is bathing with my dog, but I am proud that I don't take myself so seriously as to be embarassed of the photo. It is what it is. Nope. No perfection here. And although I always wished I could be the perfect mother and have the perfect Martha Stewart home, now I take back that wish. Chaos is a lot more fun. (But I would like to order some slightly less dusty chaos. Is that too much to ask?) Ahh construction. I will be so happy when it is FINALLY done.

I will be back. Just don't expect too much from me until February 7.


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