Happy birthday!
I'm completely in love, again. Her name is Charli and she is the most beautiful angel I've ever seen, perfect in every way. She has beautiful brown hair and dark eyes, the complete opposite of her brother but with the same sweet face!

The outpouring of love and support over these long 24 hours has been truly incredible! Over 1500 hits today of you wanting to know updates and sending virtual hugs makes me so very proud to have brought my little girl into such a circle of love.
In time, I will recount more, but for now, here are some pictures of my new angel.
Blessed doesn't begin to describe the warm feeling in my heart tonight. God has blessed me much beyond what I deserve; two darling, healthy children, an incredible, loving, selfless husband, and a "family" of relatives and friends that encircle us in love, support and prayer.
Sleep well, friends! I think at least 2 Barkers will tonight!
Hudson meeting his "sissy" was better than I ever imagined. He burst into the room squealing to his sissy and broke out into a warm reception of "Happy Birthday." he wanted everyone in the room to see his sissy, instructing each to touch gently. When he sat with her in his arms he gently sang, "la la love." perfect. Just perfect. My heart could burst with my love for these two precious gifts.
More to come! :).
We would love visitors, but we do ask that you text us or call to make sure we are available. We are pretty exhausted right now but would love to introduce her to everyone!
Off to sleepy time....
Sweet dreams dear friends :)
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