"...Still No Pizza."
- Sasquatch Daddy
It's another guest blogger, Nicole's sister Kim or as Huddy calls me, Aunt Dum. (I could blog about how my kids gave Nikki a cool auntie name and I'm named after a freebie sucker that is a consolation prize at the bank or barber shop but that's for another time. Yes. Keep your thoughts and comments to yourself please.)
Keeks, (as we call her) is doing well and the contraction monitor is starting to look more like the Richter scale. My happy dispositioned little sister is starting to breathe a little deeper and more telling than any monitor is her loss of laughter for Dan's one liners. His biggest fan is still smiling and lovingly holding his hand but the mood is changing and it's starting to feel like sweet Charli is going to be here today. Doc is actually betting in the next 2 to 3 hours. In the meantime Mom and I sit back and remember the pain she's going through (and wish we could take it on for her) while expectant Daddy Dan is nervously pacing by her side. Don't let his jokes fool you, he's scared. And although I give him a hard time I think he's a pretty awesome husband and Dad. Oh, and he's hungry. I'm here to remind you all that he requested pizza.
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