Huddy's Day Out
Thursday was a big day. Thursday was Hudson's first day of school. While it is only a local church Kid's Day Out program, one day a week, for us, this was a pretty big deal. Hudson and I shopped together for his supplies and I tried to explain his going to school with the utmost positivity and excitement.
If you've followed the blog, you know we've had issues with separation before and so I anticipated the first day would be an adjustment, and I worked to prepare Hudson for it. We talked a lot about school, all the fun things he would do there, and even drove by a few times to become familiar with it.
Finally. after much anticipation Thursday morning arrived. As a family we arrived at school and packed up all of our necessities and headed in. I was a bundle of nerves, but smiled happily knowing Hudson would pick up on my energy. I was just waiting for him to fall apart.
But as we reached the doors, my sweet boy took off, shark lunch box in tow, in a sprint to his classroom. As a mom, you wish for these moments of strength and courage from your children. You hope you have prepared them and they can face challenges and new adventures with such excitement, and yet, part of me missed the sweet baby Hudson that clung to me and needed me.
Nope, not this Hudson. He was tough, he was ready, he was excited, and... They had dinosaurs. He was in good hands.
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