I know. You've been stalking the blog to find the conclusion of the Hud's first day. Pretty exciting stuff right?

Well, when Charli and I went to pick up Hudson we were greeted by a squealing blonde tornado running anxiously to hug me and tell me and sissy all about his day. I collected his things and went to speak with one of his teachers for a quick run-down. She smiled sweetly and said he did great.. Well, until nap. Then she handed me this to detail his day:
Hmm. Nap? A circle with a line through it? All so simple and yet it alone spoke volumes. That's okay right? It was only the first day. And as Aunt "Dum" explained, "being expected to sleep on a mat on the floor surrounded by your friends is a bit odd," she didn't blame him for not participating, especially the first week. And so, we looked to the next week.
Again, Hudson excitedly handled drop off happily rushing off to play with his new friends. I'll admit, on the way to school we talked about nap time. I attempted to bribe him.
"Are you going to take a nap at school today?" I asked.
Head shake no.
"But naps feel so good and if you take a nap we can play when you get home. Will you take a nap?"
"No." as he shook his head.
We will go on a hop hunt when you get home if you take a nap. (this is where we walk and look for bunnies)
More shaking his head.
I upped the ante. "if you take a nap, I'll let you have a cookie when you get home."
More shakes.
I was losing this battle and with my desperation came a loss of reasonableness.
"What about a dinosaur?"
He stopped, pondered for a moment and shook his head.
Based on our exchange, I wasn't very optimistic on nap for that day. Again, I spoke with the teacher briefly and asked about his day.
"He did great! He even decided to join us for circle time today (what?! I had no idea he had opted out the previously week). Hudson loves to sing! I'm fact, he continued singing all through lunch."
Oh boy, I'm sure everyone was thoroughly entertained by my son's singing all day. But, no mention of nap. Nice. It must have gone well!
I waited until we got to the car and pulled our his note for the day.
Hmm. We went from a no sign to N/A? Nice. Not applicable. Perhaps this was progress?
And so, we continued to talk about naptime in the week that followed, prepping him for school again on Thursday. This time, we couldn't avoid the weekly meltdown of J, a little boy that has a very hard time with drop off. I try to bolt in and out and I've learned work quickly when J is around, but that day, I wasn't so lucky. I watched Hudson watch him and take in the steps of J's tantrum. Suddenly Hudson was wrapping his legs around mine in a similar fashion, screaming and crying "mama!"
While heartbreaking, I kept my composure and left for the day. Hudson's speech path made a visit to him at school that day and called with her report. She had nothing but great things to say about Hudson and his school. His music teacher had come in and announced it was her birthday. To which, Hudson jumped to his feet and serenaded her with his rendition of "Happy Birthday!" He was also sweet to his peers, playing politely (perhaps too politely, which I'll explain more later) and even consoled poor J (who apparently has more anxiety than just at drop-off.)
I marched in to pick him up feeling hopeful. And yet, this was his report.
At least he was applicable?
You can't win 'em all. Nice try, the Hud.
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