Happy day
I was scared. No, it wasn't about the usual first time mom stuff. I'd done it before and while I was sure there'd be some bumps in the road, I wasn't terrified of having a newborn and knew I'd manage. I was so scared I wouldn't love her like Hudson. How could I?? Hudson was my world. I didn't know how it would be to share that with another.

Now, I can't imagine life without her. And while I don't know her nearly as well as I do my Hudson, I am learning more about her every day as she develops her own little quirks and silly personality.
Again I've been blessed. She's an amazing baby. She has such a happy, easy-going temperament and while she has a "Baker" temper (yes, Baker, NOT Barker) she is forever smiling and giggling. She has a squeal that makes my heart leap. She loves giving kisses and pulls you close so she can. She loves her toy pink vanity that sings and her baby dolls. The way she looks at Hudson and he her makes me wonder by I ever doubted life with 2 kiddos. And the way she idolizes her daddy and loves to touch his whiskers makes me fall deeper in love with them both.
I love you, baby girl. Happy half-birthday! 
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