I've always loved a spotlight. From a young age I've enjoyed being on stage and performing. So one wouldn't think I would be so apprehensive at Hudson's activities, but I am.

I know I'd be more at ease if he were taking music or dance classes, even gymnastics I could get into, but this boy stuff has me feeling a bit out of my element. Tis past fall when Dan and he enrolled in Mini and Me Flag Football I hadn't envisioned I would be taking part in the "me" part, but at Hudson's request (ok, more like persistent begging) I obliged and found myself perfecting my "ready stance" and doing my fair share of poor pass attempts. So, when the boys enrolled in Mini and Me Basketball, I had my suspicions I may get my call to go in.
Friday was the first practice and so I dressed somewhat prepared. I set aside my cute boots in favor of my Chucks and chose a hoodie instead of a sweater. While hoping I could blend in, I was reasonably ready should the call come.
I sat with the ladies chatting and watching our boys when it happened. "Mommy play! Please!!!"
I gulped and reluctantly I took a place with my back to the crowd in the center of the court to stretch with the boys. I awkwardly tried to follow the instructor's lead. While embarrassed, I smiled and sillily helped my Hud stretch out. I giggled with him and attempted to fit in and convinced myself I was doing a good job at that.
By suddenly, mid stretch I felt a hand on my rear. I whipped around to find Dan picking at my back pocket.
"You've got a candy cane on your butt." He said, producing the sticky culprit before my face.
I don't really remember the awkwardness that followed. Sure, I was a good sport, smiling and laughing about my silliness. (While inwardly cursing my sons love of candy canes and my haphazard way of wrapping the half-eaten ones in their plastic wrappings before going into the store and placing them in the passenger seat).
Red-faced, I was relieved when Hudson decided it was daddy's turn to rejoin practice and I was dismissed to my seat.
As I sat, an older gentleman watching his grandson looked to me, "well, I sure thought you had a sweet ass."
So glad it was the first practice. Of course it couldn't have been the last.
And no, my husband did not take pictures. But here's some of the boys having fun.
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