It's here...almost

Last night Barks was away for work so we were flying solo.  Hud was having a hard time going to sleep because of reported "nightmares." I, however, knew it was simply impossible he had gone to sleep yet.  On one such visit to my room, Barks had called to say goodnight and I passed the phone to Hudson hoping a talk with daddy would be just what he needed to go to settle down.

"Hey, buddy." He said, "I have a secret!  On Thursday and Friday we are going to have an awesome time.  Daddy isn't going to work and we are going to watch basketball all day as a family!  And on Friday, we get to watch the Jayhawks!"

He lit up, his smile transformed his face and his sparkly eyes disappeared behind that grin.  "Just think of happy thoughts, sweetheart and get some rest.  We'll have a fun day tomorrow."  I told him and kissed him goodnight.

He disappeared and went to sleep.  At about 1 he stumbled into our room, mumbling about spilling water and instead of getting up to fix his bed, I pulled the covers back on Dan's side and he hopped in.

As the sunlight peered through our bedroom windows this morning I awoke and watched as he stirred awake as well.  His eyes popped open and he sat up quickly smiling, "Today is going to be super awesome!"

"Wow, that's some excitement!" I replied. "What are we going to do today?"

"It's here, Mommy!  It's basketball day!"

Oops.  Yeah.  I had to break it to him we were still a day away (enter my singing "Tomorrow" from Annie, which he thought was equally disappointing.)

Just like his Daddy.  And I wouldn't have it any other way.

It's the most wonderful time of year.  Well, until it's not.  But this optimistic fan is just along for the ride,  and somehow experiencing it with my littles makes it all the more amazing!

Let's Dance!


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