I'm girly by nature. Although I can get dirty, fish, and do the boy thing with the best of them (if there's a shower waiting, of course) I prefer sparkles. I prefer things frilly and pink and clean. So when my mother in law asked several months ago if Charli and I would like her to make us reservations for a princess dinner, there was no question. "Umm, of course!"
I had been looking forward to this for months. No, scratch that. I had been looking forward to this for years, before there was this trip, before there was a Charli.
And so, after Charleston slammed her peanut butter sandwiches, I got her ready. Truth be told, I would have rather had her dressed a bit more elaborately. It may have taken all I had not to purchase a princess ensemble jst for this occasion, complete with gloves, tiara, shoes, the works. Oh, and the "Bibbity Bobbity princess makeover" at Magic Kimgdom that claims you need to be 3 years old? Yeah, had it not been for her daddy, I'd probably had her tell a little white one and go ahead and get one of those, too.
She excitedly put on her Anna dress and asked me to braid her hair. I even added some hairspray, some lipgloss, blish and a teeny tiny bit of mascara on her request. Yeah, that tiny bit of makeup made us both giddy!
We had plenty of time to meet Nana and Grandad and the HUD before our dinner, so we parked and walked to the gate with Dan. Without the stroller that we left with Hudson, Charli, of course wanted to be carried by daddy. No problem. The princess was taken care of.
But, as we approached the gates, Barks started digging in his pockets puzzled. Then he looked to me. "I've lost my ticket."
My look probably said it all. (Motherhood and wifehood makes one quite skilled at looks.) so I searched the bags and the pockets. As did he. And then again. Nothing. Then he handed me my ticket and said, "go on and meet them. I'll figure this out. You'll be late otherwise."
And so, Princess and I took off. I stopped for directions only to find of course we needed to go to the other side of Epcot. Of course. And of course the princess wanted to be carried. Along with the backpack.
It was a long trek. We were in a hurry, but the dressed up Charli was getting a lot of attention which she was eating up and every so often we would have to stop so she could get down, sing a bit of a song and twirl several times for her admirers. Then she would announce, "ok, mommy, up now!" And we would again be on our journey. I know, spoiled. But I was kind of enjoying the short breaks to rest my arms from the 40 pound load.
It was fine, we arrived on time and waited excitedly to be seated.

Then, we saw her. First up, special time with Belle. Lisa and I both stiffened. Unsure how this was going to go. Charli started the familiar chant "I wanna go say hi to her." And tried to escape us. We repeated, "wait our turn."
And she did. She clasped her little hands and pursed her lips a bundle of nervous energy about ready to explode!
But as our turn came and Charli approached Belle, a funny thing happened. She melted. Into Belle's arms like a puddle. Belle came to the floor with her just holding her. And right there, they cuddled.

I know, I know, she doesn't look exactly "happy." But trust me, she absolutely was. It was as though in that instant, all the adrenaline crashed and she was calm and happy, enjoying her moment with Belle and not even taking the effort to humor us with photos. She was in Heaven.
The rest of our dinner was full of fun: a princess parade and special visits from Ariel, Snow White, Mary Poppins and Aurora! With each one, she would do the same excited "I wanna say hi to her!" Followed by complete puddle of sweet, syrupy, Charli when they finally approached. It was to say the least...magical. A wonderfully perfect dinner I had always dreamed about with my little girl. And one that I couldn't help but think Aunt Brooke would have so much enjoyed with her Charli Brooke.
Then again, I'd like to think she WAS there.

After dinner, we met up with our boys saw Donald Duck and took the monorail back to Magic Kingdom for lots more fun! We danced, sang in the Tiki Room, enjoyed Mickey's Philharmagic, rode the carousel yet again, and Buzz several more times and then, saw another spectacular fireworks show!
As I watched the sky light up once more and heard the little voice at the end sing about dreams and wishes, I couldn't help but remember a wish I had made last visit that next time, I could experience the magic with a healthy, happy baby girl.
Newly pregnant, we had no idea Charli was a she, and yet as she and her brother sat sweetly holding hands oohing and ahhing I reflected on my princess night and my heart was yet again full.
Wishes and dreams do come true.
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