Pull over

Thinking back I’m pretty sure that trip to the lake took twice as long. It was the spring of 2004, and I  was bringing Barks down to the lake for the first time.  It should have only took us a few hours and we were in the final 30 stretch but he just kept stopping. Over and over again. 

The first time I was perplexed. He quickly turned on the signal, pulled to the side and got out of the car without saying a word. I watched from the rear view mirror as he started running the other way. Then he stopped, went into the street, bent down and turned. In his grasp a small turtle. He placed him down on the grass and returned, hopped back in and we were on our way.  It was sweet, something no other boyfriend had done and it seemed so natural and routine I didn’t say anything but jumped right in singing along when he turned up the music. 

But then it happened again. And again. And again.❤️ 

I was reminded of that day Thursday morning when we walked to the car and passed a worm on the step. While Hud and I continued to the car, Chach and Barks stopped. Hud and I knowingly looked at each other and rolled our eyes as she quietly bent, picked it up and put him in the grass.  

Doing things with them can feel like it takes twice as long and all too often frustrates me twice as much, but she’s just like him. 

They are the ones who stop. 

They are the ones who notice.

They are the ones with the hearts to save a turtle or a worm. 

They are the ones who pull over to look at a river or climb up the hill to check out the rock formations. 

Today I’m grateful for a Saturday of taking twice as long to  do anything and making it twice as amazing. 

I hope you take these lessons, too. 

Slow down. Pull over.❤️ 


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