Righty Tighty

I admit, I can be a bit rigid. And yes, I enjoy being right. But over our "Staycation" this past week (no worries, more blog posts to follow about that) I started realizing that it's already happening. Dan is the fun one. I'm the one with the schedules, the rules, the medicines, the vegetables, the boring stuff. Dan, gets to be the hero, the fun carefree one, the Lefty Lucy, with all the freedom and fun in the world.

After days of sleeping in and napping incessantly, Hudson was having a hard time winding down on Sunday evening. He wasn't crying, just playing in his crib, not wanting to rest. And so, after multiple trips to his room to check on him, Dan and I stood before the crib mentally reading each other on what we should do.

Dan instinctively picked him up and cuddled him. "Can he come to bed with us for a little bit?" he asked in a whiny whisper.

"You're already doing it," I said. "You're the fun one."

And so my sweet husband, feeling my disappointment, passed Hudson to me and loudly proclaimed. "Mom says you can come to bed with us! Hooray for mommy!"

I played along. "Yea! I'm the fun one! Yep, mommy wants you to come to bed with us!" We smiled and giggled the way to our bedroom.

Dan tucked us into bed and I nuzzled him sweetly."Yea! You're in bed with mommy and daddy." But, before I could catch myself, I blurted out, "but no watching TV."

I was the fun one. For all of 3 minutes. Then, my mom-ness showed.

And to give credit where credit is due. Here's the song that made me think about it all.
We love the Okee Dokee Brothers! :)


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