day 2: continued
After a good nap, we hit Magic Kingdom once again. We breezed through in perfect time to catch the light parade. Yet more ahhhs from Hudson. 

And here Hudson was too preoccupied looking elsewhere!

After our second parade of the day (yes, Hudson is going to have high expectations when we go back to boring Olathe) we checked out Pirates of the Caribbean (daddy's idea) which surpringly didn't phase Hud. I expected the dark nature of the ride to terrify him once we got going, but he was a trooper. As we pulled to a stop he was talking about all of the dogs he saw. :)
Next, we headed back to Fantasyland to pick up where we left off early in the day but on our way the fireworks began. There we saw the most spectacular fireworks display with all of our favorite Disney tunes and the castle beautifully lit. More ahs from Hudson. 

After the fireworks, we continued onto Fantasyland and were greeted with super short lines for Winnie the Pooh, Peter pan and an encore of its a small world. This time, we got the front of the boat so "king of the world" Hudson got to stand and watch. Again, in complete ah, this time pointing out with disbelief things he hadn't noticed before! By the end, when they all started singing in English he started singing himself, even throwing in a little of his signature "chicken wing."
As the park closed and we headed to the exit, we stopped to purchase a lighted balloon like the ones Hudson had admired the whole day through! Proudly he marched through the park stopping periodically to admire his prize.
My face hurts from smiling all day. Truth is though, I don't remember much of the sights, or the rides, or the lights. I remember that sweet face, taking every moment in, savoring each sight and relishing in the fun of every second. It truly is amazing to seeing Disney World, but completely magical viewing it through the eyes of a child.
As we watched the fireworks tonight song filled the air I was particularly captured with the words "if you keep on believing, the dreams that you wish will come true."
I looked to Huddy and said a silent wish. "Never stop dreaming, Hudson. Never." This place, through his eyes, it seems anything is possible.
Off to bed. Tomorrow: Sea World!
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