day 2: "he waved at me!"
It's nap time now, so I'll recap our day so far.

We got to the park late-morning armed with a lot of water (anyone who knows Dan knows he likes to assure Hudson and I always remain hydrated), cameras and about everything else we could cram in or on the stroller. Today we explored the Magic Kingdom.
At first, Hudson was more intrigued by all of the children. He realized pretty quickly that saying "hi" to absolutely every child he passed just wouldn't be possible (trust me, he did try) and so his sights were focused back to the park itself.
I'm surprised Hudson's face isn't permanently frozen with his mouth gaping open from his continual awe. Each thing we saw he would point excitedly and give the sweetest "Ahh" sound, quickly looking to make such each and every one of us could see what he just witnessed. 
We walked through Cinderellas castle and into Fantasyland. We we to see (the name escapes me now) a 3d movie with lots of songs. He wasn't oo sure about the glasses, but loved all of the music!
There, The highlight of my day was taking Hudson through "it's a
small world.". I have such fond memories of that same wonderment as a child. Witnessing it through his eyes was a moment I'll never forget. His eyes darted back and forth trying to take it all in. His mouth, formed in a perfect "ah" gasped and sighed in disbelief. Singing, dancing, animals, a boat? he was in complete heaven! He danced and smiled at the sights and sweetly waved bye-bye when it was over.
After lunch we headed to adventure land, stopped to see characters dancing and singing and got to visit another of my childhood favorites, the Tiki Room! Hud loved the singing birds, plants and statues, clapping happily and attempting to sing along. 
Then it was time for a parade! And much to Hudson's surprise Sheriff Woody was there! He walked right past us, stopped and waved right at Hud. He was starstruck and his smile lit up his whole face! I, of ourse didn't catch the moment with my camera, but here's when the pared first began. 
After the parade, we made a quick stop to see the Country Bears Jubilee. Hudson was quite untried by the talking mounted animals:)
By that time, well, we'd worn the little guy out fom looking, ah-ing, smiling and pointing. 
He's recharging now, then it's back for more fun tonight!
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