It's no "secret" that I can't keep one to save my life. I'm like a little kid when I know something I shouldn't or I can't share what I'm dying to. Don't get me wrong, I can and will keep other people's secrets, but when it come to my own, we'll, there's just not enough to hold me back.

And so, for the last 62 days (yes, I counted) I have quietly been ignoring what I truly wanted to blog about in favor of keeping our very special secret. While we let our families in on our happy news at Christmas, we opted to save it for social media until recently. (seriously, how on earth could people get news spread so quickly before Facebook?) For those who follow me on FB, you already know the word was out as of Friday. Baby Barky 2 (BB) is On its way with a due date of August 7!
I know, I know. August is such a beautiful and cool time of the year to be 9 month pregnant right? No worries, having a July 14 birthday, I have been reminded thoughout my life how very comfortable my mom was on that record setting summer in Wichit when the AC went out in the hospital. :) Oh yes, I'm sure it will be quite the treat! I'm sure that will provide some fun blog posts!
Although the morning sickness hasn't stayed away, I have been fortunate this pregnancy does not seem to be as bad as my first. Aside from a miserable last few weeks, and a couple of trips to the ER, I've overall been much better and meds have been able to more control the sickness.
It is hard to talk about the nausea and not mention how Hudson is dealing with mama being sick. I truly have to say he has been beyond patient and well-bahaved! But just last week, I hit rock bottom and Dan was out of town. Alone with Hudson I tried to shelter him as much as possible, but as he walked in on me bowing down to the porcelain, I tried to look up at him only seeing a scared little face and questioning eyes. "it's okay, Hudson. Mama is just sick.".
He quickly ran off, only to return moments later with a bottle of Benadryl shoving it to my face with a squinty smile. My sweet Hudson.
I know, the real parents are more distracted by his ability to access a bottle of medicine with no supervision. What an awful mom! Can't even take care of her own son and here she is having another! Well, you will be happy to know this breach in safety has been remedied and will not happen again. Now you can go back to focusing on what a sweet gesture this was. Go on. Pretty sweet, huh? Yeah. I know.
In addition, Hudson has mastered a fabulous impression of his mama in which he runs to the bathroom, slams the door and let's out a series of "blahs.". And while I have tried to eliminate the "blah" sound from his vocabulary (yes, teachers, I know blah isn't really a vocab word), if you see us or rather hear him across the isles at the store, lets just ignore it or pretend it is because something is yucky. Its just easier that way.
Asides from my horror stories and a bit of a hiccup of the last few weeks, I'm going to stick to my belief that this pregnancy is much better. Besides, is anyone well served believing they will be sick again for 39 weeks or is better to try a positive attitude? I'm going to go with glass half full!
Even if it isn't better in that since, at least this time, sweets taste fabulous and chocolate actually tastes like chocolate! I missed that so much with Hud!
About a week ago we went for a 1st trimester sonogram and blood test to look for risks and the health of the baby. So far, everything looks great and although my doctor believed I would get a guess on the gender, our little one would have nothing of it. At first, it was popping around like popcorn, moving so quickly the Sonographer couldn't get a good look. After moving me around and pleading trying to get baby to hold still it finally did, and seemed to have fallen asleep, sweetly cuddled up not allowing us a good "view.".
And so, we're supposed to be patient, and wait another month or so until we can try again. Any bets on how long we can keep that secret? Any guesses on gender? I'd like to hear the wives tales and tricks to tell. I think it's kind of fun.
I have done the "ring" test Nd the baking soda test so far. Curious what other ones are out there.
And for now.. Enjoy a post with only new baby pictures, because, I assume, the only pictures this baby is going to get will be with its big brother Hudson. I'm the youngest. I know how this works. :)
Pretty cute kid, huh? Never mind the cigar.
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