day 4: barkers go to hollywood
Wednesday morning we set off to visit Hollywood, Hollywood Studios that is. We hit the park mid morning and quickly found our first show, Disney Junior. It was packed with Muppets, music and lots of room to dance, which Hudson jumped right to dancing before the show even began. The show included the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse gang, Jake and the Neverland Pirates, Handy Manny and the Little Einsteins. Although not familiar with all of the haracters, the show was geared right o his age and he really seemed to enjoy it, especially when gold coins and later confetti fell from the sky!

Next, we ran (quite literally) over to catch the Little Mermaid show, a great shortened version of the story performed on stage with actors, music and sealife puppets in black lights. Hudson loved the songs, the dancing fish, the bubbles and the rain! 
When we walked outside, it seemed the storm indoors had moved outdoors so we dashed to a museum to learn about Mickey and seek shelter.
There we lucked out as we found several of the characters available to meet and take photos. We were able to meet Pooh, Handy Manny, Jake, and we saw the Incredibles and Sorcerer Mickey too!

Having missed the rain for a while, we threw on our rain gear and headed outside again. This time, ending at Pixar Place for the fabulous Toy Story Mania ride. One of the most popular attractions at Disney, it had a rather long wait but being one of Hudson's very favorite movies we decided to do it. We were so glad we did! Hudson seemed to have just about as much fun waiting admiring all of the sights and his favorite characters than the ride itself! And there was a giant talking potato head that entertained us with comedy.
Next, it was time for lunch. After running into some army men on the street, we steered to Hollywood and Vine for lunch with the Disney Junior characters.
But, you'll have to wait to hear about that adventure. :) it's nap time! Dont judge, keeping up is hard work!
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