Pardon my toes

Some days I feel like I've grown exponetially. (We're talking size here, not metaphorically) These past few days have been among those. It isn't the mirror that always tells me I've expanded, but it comes in the little every day things.
I discovered yesterday that 1.) I can no longer lift my leg high enough to flush a public toilet. Perhaps I could if the stalls were larger... but, being able to left one leg while not holding on to anything else for stabilization (public bathrooms are a germ factory!) in a space barely large enough to turn my body in is pretty comical. I wrestled with the task for several minutes before I finally gave up. So yes, I am that girl that didn't flush the toilet. but really? Did you honestly expect me to touch the flusher?! (not really sure what thats called!)
2.) I can no longer reach my toes to paint them. While my toes have become some distant part of my body I barely catch a glimpse of anyway, I did notice them this morning and felt sorry for their pitiful display of chipped red polish, so decided that I would pay them some attention. I got out of the shower and attempted a quick paint job. Now, it appears that a toddler was set loose with red paint in our bathroom. The poor rug got the brunt of the damage as I attempted short spurts of paint splatters. Some landed on my toes, some just painted the skin. All in all, it was a half ditched effort leaving my toes a Monet of sorts. From 5 feet above, perhaps no one can notice. Just don't get too close.


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