On the Move

I know, you've been waiting too long. I'd apologize, like I normally do, but life at our house has been busy to say the least and drum roll please.... I finally got my new car!!! Hud and I's days of staying home all of the time are over!

You may remember that Ally (my sweet Navigator) died right about the time I decided to stay home. And so, Hud and I had been ride-less for about 6 months. And while I know there are many greater sacrifices out there, I certainly do appreciate the newest member of our family, Shania Terrain. She's beautiful, inside and out, and a perfect size for lifting the Hud in and out of the car. We even celebrated by graduating Hudson to a "big boy" car seat. He still has to face backwards, but at 25 pounds, that poor carrier and my arms were about to give out. (No worries, we did have the Chicco tested for up to 30 pounds.) I am convinced, however, that Target is full of the most judgmental and vocal people in the world (or maybe just Johnson County). The last time I had him in his carrier, a woman pulled me aside and wondered if I knew it only went up to 22 pounds. I politely explained to her that I had a better model than hers. Seriously?! Oh, Johnson County moms.

But, Shania isn't the only way we're on the move these days. Hudson is moving EVERYWHERE! And while he has been a bit slower than some of his friends in his mobility, I take complete blame. I know I've done it. I'm already an enabler! I play with him constantly, so this, coupled with his amazingly mellow personality (we still haven't quite figured out where this came from) there hasn't been much need to move. But, then he discovered balls. Balls roll away and Hud has discovered that if he's gonna keep up with them, he has to move! And so, he began doing what we affectionately refer to as his "Lt. Dan crawl." (Forrest Gump anyone?) I know, completely not PC in any manner, but as with anything Hudson does, it's the cutest thing I've ever seen. Here's a video to give you a taste of the cuteness...

From there, he has begun to "really" crawl, but he's found his method works just fine, so he's not incredibly motivated to alter his technique.

Stay tuned, I'll be posting more to catch up on this last month.


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