Say What?!

Having a child provides what seems to be a license for strangers to speak to you. While sometimes, I do not care to listen to their ideas or advice, generally it is nice change of pace to have someone talk back to me while out and about. On one of our first outings someone made a rather odd comment about Hudson. Like many of the others, I tried to let it roll off my back. But it was hard as I began to hear it more and more.

When Hudson was a month old we traveled to meet his great-grandmother. She proudly held Hudson I her arms and examined him. She looked to me. "Wow, he is a toad head.". I smiled sweetly bur wanted to grab my baby and run away.

Maybe it was a mother's love that had me jaded, but I couldn't possibly understand why my baby's head resembled anything of a toad. And so, I set off to google to see if I could make sense of my son's "condition.". Looking for toad head came up with nothing. Maybe I misunderstood. I switched gears and began looking up toe head. Miraculously, I came upon it. A tow head! What?! All this time all people had been saying is that he had blonde hair? Really? Talk about feeling silly.

On Tuesday which out shopping a woman walked next to us and looked down into the stroller. She smiled and said, "that's quite the cheese cutter you got there."

"Excuse me?" I asked, not sure I had heard correctly. She repeated, "quite the cheese cutter."

She walked on. But I was confused. I stopped and walked around the stroller to examine my son. His squinty smile looked back at me. Yes, he is quite cheesy. That must be it. I walked back around and continued to walk. Then, I stopped. Sniff, Sniff. Hmm. No, I didn't smell anything. This too, I would have to look up.

We finished our shopping and headed home. I got Hudson down for his nap and settled on the couch with my iPad to research. A cheese cutter: a device for cutting cheese was all I could find. Baffled, I switched gears and did a google image search. And there it was. An image of a hat. Whew! Another mystery solved and another vocabulary word added to my intellect.

Check out that cheese cutter, on my favorite cheese cutter. I personally thought my proposed definitions were a lot more creative. :) Always learning.


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