What's important

I'm sensitive.  I wear my heart on my sleeve.  However you want to say it, whenever my heart is heavy, I have a difficult time blogging about anything else.  I sit down to write but the words I really want to say keep screaming out.  And so, here is the blog that must be.

Heartache and difficult times seem to surround us lately. Not in our own home or relationship but clouding those dear to us.  It's hard when we see our friends in such pain and anguish not to feel their troubles ourselves and yet at the same time, a sense of relief overcomes us, a renewed appreciation for what the blessings we have in our lives and renewed sense of dedication to protect and appreciate what God has given us.  

I think I say it a lot.  Words come easily to me (obviously) but I don't know if my actions always align with my words. Sure, I truly think Barks knows that I love him, but I don't know if he could ever understand the depth or complexity of my love for him.  I do believe love is a very private thing, but at the same time I am reminded of words from my dad explaining to me the importance of a wedding. 

He explained to me that while a wedding is a fun sometimes extravagant occasion to gather and celebrate the union of two lives it is also much more.  It is about standing before those dearest and nearest to our hearts.  It's about making a promise in front of those loved ones to love and care for one another through life's sunshine and rain.  It's about a promise to those witnessing the union to love and support the couple and to do all they can to help those people honor those vows.  

With this, whenever I see loved ones and friends struggling in their relationships, I feel a since of responsibility as I made a promise to God to help them uphold their vows.  It may seem silly to some, but I take the task seriously and when I can't help them, it hurts terribly.

Each year I make resolutions to take better care of myself, to make time for me or to unclutter my life and my home.  This year, I've decided to make a different resolution.

This year, I vow to be a better wife and best friend to my Barks, to put our relationship first and while I don't promise I won't still give him a hard time, laugh at/with him (sorry, Barks, but you have to admit we wouldn't be "us" without the laughter.) I do hope that 2013 we can focus on what is truly important, each other, our immense love and our undying friendship.  

Happy 2013!  May you appreciate those in your lives this year and make an extra special effort to show them, 


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