Before My Hudson Came Along

Tomorrow.  When I wake up, I will have a 5 year old.  What?!  I remember that night before Hudson was born like it was yesterday.  How was that crazy, trippy, Ambien night 5 years ago? Check out for a flashback.

It flies.  Everyone tells you it does.  You seem to think it won't be so much for you.  But as much as we have lived in the moment, relished in the fun and soaked in the joy, the days still pass, fast.  And then, they pass faster.

Tonight as we prepared for bed, Charli said she wanted to rock; something she says occasionally now, but when she asks, I tend to take every opportunity to cuddle her close.  And tonight, Hudson wanted to rock, too.  So I sat, in Charli's glider in her room, with my not-so-little babies piled on my lap.  And as we rocked, Hudson asked me to sing "Before You Came Along" an oh-so-appropriate song for not only every day of my life, but especially for this nostalgic, weepy mama who can't believe 5 years has gone by in a blink.  Five years of sleepiness, of worry, of hurried attempts to get out of the house and yet making multiple trips back into the house to retrieve forgotten items.  Five years full of giggles, and tears, and cleaning up bodily fluids.  Five years of kissing boo boos and distracting through tantrums.  Five years of cuddles and hand holding, of singing songs in the car, of no longer remembering what it's like to watch adult television.  Five years of yoga pants and lost fashion sense, of preferring to spend money on their closets than my own.  Five years of walking away from a legal profession of trading high heels for Uggs and flip flops.  That's a lot.

Five years alone can change a lot, but those years wouldn't have been anything without our Hudson.  He is so much more than I ever dreamed a son could be.  He is wise beyond his years with an emotional intelligence and a sensitivity matched by few.  He has overcome so much with developmental and speech delays and I am so very proud of the boy he has become.  I am blessed that God gave me my Hudson, and as sad as I am to see the days fly by, I am blessed to be granted 5 years full of loving the best little boy in the whole world.

Happy 5th Birthday, Huddy.  You were my first, my love.  You started it all and you've changed me beyond measure.  I love you .2. <=

And because it isn't a birthday without a questionnaire, here ya go.  Note:  this year there are 2 things that are pretty important to the Hud: Spiderman and Breanne (a little girl the Hud seems to be quite enamored with from his class.  Last week, he said she "wasn't his girlfriend anymore."  Why?  "Because she doesn't laugh at my jokes."  Apple. Tree.  Enough said.)

5 Year Old Birthday Questionnaire:

How Old Are You?     Five!

Favorite Color?  Green... and red, and blue and black and white

Favorite Toy?   Black Spiderman

Favorite Food?  Peanut Butter Sandwiches

Best Friend?    Breanne

Favorite thing to do outside?  Play spiderman

Favorite Drink?  Water or chocolate milk

Favorite TV Show?  Spiderman

What do you sleep with at night?  Blankie

Who do you want to marry?  Charli :)

What do you want to be when you grow up?  Spiderman

What is your favorite animal?  TRex

If you could meet someone famous who would it be?  Breanne ;)


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