I'm baaaaaaack

The blog is back!!!! 

For those unaware because my lack of posts, my blog was shut down for over a month due to an automated scanning by blogger to determine blogs that did not adhere to terms of service. I received a single email letting me know that my blog was in violation and had been deleted. 

I was heartbroken. 

This blog may be silly to some, and perhaps over sharing, personal or just plain pointless. But to me, it's a catalog of memories and moments I wouldn't otherwise record.  Sure id know the first time my son said "mama" or got his first tooth, but would I remember him growling at the nurse for shots? Or how many times I had to call poison control for Hudson eating... Well, everything? Nope. And for that, I'm so very grateful for this. I've shared and over shared so much and am oh so excited it's BACK!   Now to see if I could make some sort of scrapbook of content to save "just in case" again. Because, as my husband has told me time and time again, "you don't need hard copies of the blog- it's on the cloud and there forever," wasn't exactly fact in this case. Blogger holds the keys to my content. 

Any suggestions welcome! 


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