...and he's 2

I've sat down to write this blog several times in the last couple of weeks, and yet, had yet to actually get it written.  Sure, I'm busy, but that really wasn't it.  In some odd way, I thought that maybe if I didn't write it, it didn't happen.  Well, I've come to accept it.  It did.

As much as I begged and pleaded with Hudson not to turn 2, the day finally arrived.  Hudson stood before me a much bigger version of that sweet baby I held in my arms just two years ago; so changed, so grown up, so independent.  Sure, it's only been two years, but in my life, it feels so much more monumental.

Last year, as Hudson approached his first birthday, Dan and I decided that each year, on his birthday we would write to him a letter to represent that year.  These letters we would eventually give to Hudson when he was older, to show him how each and every year of his life had been very special to us.

And so, this year, as I feel this blog has much more accurately captured my life with Hudson, I thought I'd blog his letter.

Dear Hudson,

Wow.  I can't believe it's been two years since I held you in my arms and looked into your sweet eyes for the very first time.  For nine long months I kept repeating to your daddy that I just wanted to see your sweet face.  I looked so forward to meeting you.  And then, I finally did.  When you were first laid in my arms I was overcome with joy and love for you.  We had never met and yet it felt like I had waited my whole lifetime to be your mamma.  I studied you and wanted to memorize every feature, I wanted to remember every moment.

Our first year was full of discovering things together.  You were patient as I tried to figure out how to be your mom and how to best foster your needs and development.  But this past year has been so much more.  You have changed so much!  When this year began, you were just standing and trying to learn to move your little legs.  Now, I can barely remember the last time I saw you walk.  Everywhere you go you dance or run!

You've learned to talk and to speak your mind!  You love your dinosaurs and sharks and still could play with a ball for hours on end.  I love watching your little mind work as you navigate through the world.

You have taught me so much more than I could ever teach you.  You've taught me to slow down and enjoy the little things and you've taught me to laugh through my troubles.  Being your mom has given me the greatest joy I have ever known.

I know this year will be even better than the last.  I can't believe time is going by so quickly.  I'm not sad because time is passing, I just know that I'm going to wake up one morning and you'll be all grown up.  And, your mama just doesn't know how I could ever live without seeing my sweet Huddy each and every day of my life.

You are my happy, my smiles and my laugh.  You make every day a new adventure and I am so proud to be your mama.  This year will be a new adventure for all of us as we welcome a new baby, but my prayer is that you will never doubt how much your daddy and I love you, that you will never question how much you are cherished, and there is always a very special place in our hearts for our Hudson.  You are my baby, my first, my everything.  I love you from .2. <-

Happy Birthday, Hudson!


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