Hud and worms!

There's a lot of things you say you won't do before you actually have kids.  (A better post about that later).  But all in all, I've learned pretty quickly, it's much easier to say those things BEFORE you have kids.

I;m sure there are things we will still say we won't possibly do with Baby Girl, that a year from now, I'll exclaim how wrong I truly was.  Time will tell on that.

But, for now, I'll admit that I never thought I would have a dirty boy.  A boy that loves all things, well, boy.  Hudson is precisely that.  He has no fear, and nothing is too yucky or disgusting for him to explore.  I like that about him.  No, scratch that.  I love that about him.  And I love having the Barks to help me show him all the important stuff about being a boy.
But, I do take joy in the fact that when his exploring is over, he full expects a bath or at least clean hands.

Gotta love my Hud.  I guess I'm in there somewhere.

And, for the record, although I appear to be the ultimate girly girl, I was taught, as will Hud, the importance of getting dirty, the value of playing in mud, the fun of exploring bugs, catching crawdads and being able to bait your own hook.  I'm pretty proud I grew up with a Daddy and a Papa that saw to that, and I expect to teach Baby Girl the same thing.


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