
I realize most of my blogs tend to be Hudson-centered. He is at such a fun age right now that I just love our time together and enjoy his budding little personality. I'm so very proud at how far he has come in his speech and love that we can talk and I can hear his thoughts and enjoy his humor!
But, what you often don't see is my special "girl time" that Charli and I share when Huddy is napping.
Today was no different. But today, we decided to kick our usual dress-up and photo shoot up a notch.
A tutu on a 3 month old. Too much? Of course not. If I learned anything from my Grandma it's that you cant be too girly!
Man I miss her. But, as Charli laid in her tutu today squealing and smiling at the air I'd like to think for a moment she and Aunt Brooke were playing right along with us.


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