Oh Daniel!

For those unaware, PBS has a new show called Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood. It is an updated homage to the old Mister Roger's Neighborhood of my childhood and while some elements are a bit creepy (I always hated "meow meow") it's a sweet show geared right at Hudson's age and has great little lessons. We all know how I LOVE a lesson!
This morning, we took a trip back to a past episode we had missed thanks to Mr. DVR all about Prince Wednesday stopping what he was doing when he needed to go potty.
And so, as Hudson tends to do, he decided he wanted to use the potty today. Although there are a million other things I needed/wanted to do today (it's not like I have a new baby or anything) I decided to follow his lead.

He's decided to not wear pants today and although I'm pretty opposed to nakedness, I'm attempting to roll with it. So far, no accidents and he's thrilled to get a sour patch kid each time he goes.

He's in a pull up for his nap and who knows. This is the Hud. He may wake up totally bored with this new game- but for today, this is what we're up to.

You can follow our adventures on twitter.

Wish us luck!!


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