Sleepy Blessings

Divide and conquer is our strategy here, I tend to take Charli and Dan, the Hud. Last night it appeared my team was winning. Hudson just didn't want to go to sleep. Maybe it was the excitement of our dinner at Joe's Crabshack. Maybe it was the thrill of having Nana and Granddad in town. Maybe it was the promise of more family coming today. Maybe he just finally feels better and didn't want to sleep. Or maybe it was the candy.

"Nah, couldn't be the candy," or so a groggy Dan just reported. Either way, Hudson was playing, singing, woo woo-ing, roaring and banging until about 1:30 this morning.

W for the girl's team right? Well, one would think. But, at 3, Char Char decided she wanted some attention too and so she mostly been resting on my chest since. Whatever works right?

So where in this sleepy, groggy house is the blessing?

The blessings are the reason for the bags under my eyes, the stretch marks on my skin, and the aging I see of my face. They are the reason for the sleepless nights and sore necks from falling asleep in whatever position best suits for them.

As I sit with a sleeping Charli breathing sweetly on my chest I can't help but feel overcome with gratefulness.

Today, our family will gather for Charli's baptism. As we make this important promise I thank Him for these little miracles he has blessed me with.

So many struggle to conceive, care for sick babies and even suffer the loss of their children. And yet, here I sit, in a darkened room lit by the screen of my phone, my amazing husband sleeping beside me, my baby Huddy finally resting in his bed amidst a sea of dinosaurs and trucks, and my sweet Charli lulled to slumber by the comforting sound of my own heart beating, I'm in awe of all I have been given.

Thank you, God, for sleepless nights because it means I'm a mommy.


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