The longest day

Some days it is hard to see our blessings. Some days the kiddos aren't quite angels, everyone cries at once, the neighbor wont stop drumming, the hubs works late and you're left feeling pretty inadequate as a mom and as a wife. I could claim that to be a hypothetical, but anyone who reads my blog knows I never claim to be perfect. Today has been one of those days.

I thought about casually skipping my thankful post for today, too clouded in my overwhelming afternoon, but decided against it.

Today I'm thankful for my iPhone. I've quite possibly captured 99% of my children's days in photos thanks to it. I've captured our good and I've even captured the bad.

This afternoon as Hudson was at KDO I decided I would "convince" Charli to sleep in her crib instead of her swing. A friend of ours suggested we elevate the crib mattress to mimic the swing. so i placed a blanket beneath the mattress and was anxious to try it out. With Hudson away i decided i could let her cry it out if necessary. I was optimistic.

I changed her diaper, swaddled her, nursed her, and rocked her. Just as she got drowsy I laid her in her crib. I patted her gently and left the room.

I listened on the monitor as she fussed a bit but no real crying. I listened intently as she grunted and squeaked with increasing agitation. I kept my composure and decided to let her try to work it out. She made noise for a bit but still no real cries so I let her be.

Just as she quieted I looked at the clock. What?! It was time to pick up Hudson. Of course.

I tip-toed into her room and found her. She had slid down her inclined mattress and into her bumper. Her headband laid over her eyes pirate style. But she was asleep?! I couldn't help but laugh... Hard. And of course got a photo.

I'm thankful for my iPhone for helping me capture these funny moments, for not letting me take myself too seriously.

Here's hoping my children have a sense of humor when they look at my parenting fails.


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