Slip up

Alright, so I was on a roll, but then, oh man. I wish I had a good excuse. There really isn't one.

Hudson has spent the last few days with his Nana and Granddad in Hutch. This has allowed me some much needed one-on-one time with my sweet baby girl.

This time has made me thankful for:

Grandparents! It's an amazing feeling to know other people love your child quite possibly as much as you do! Really. I love my Hudson with all my heart and seeing the amazing relationship he has with his Nana and Granddad and MomMom and Papa is truly a blessing.

Quality time with my Charli. Shortly after Charli was born Hudson started his Kids Day Out. I felt very guilty and sad being away from my Hudson. But a friend told me something that has stuck with me. She said, "Hudson hasn't had to share you with anyone his whole life. It's only fair to Charli that she gets some alone time with you, too."
I had never thought of that. I was so lost in the fear that Huddy would feel left out or slighted that I hadn't thought of my newest angel.
I'd like to say we did a lot of fun things while Hudson was gone; that we got a lot accomplished at home. Honestly, that wasn't the case, but we did do a whole lot of cuddling. She slept on me, we napped together. We talked. We sang. We played dress up. We practiced smiling.
That may not seem very productive to some, but I pretty much loved every second.

Finally, I'm thankful for my noisy house. I missed a lot while Hud was away, but the biggest change was the noise level. Our house was quiet. His energy brings so much to our house. Perhaps it's that he helps make our house a home with his squealing and laughing. I missed his constant chatter through the day. I even missed the incessant sounds of dinosaurs growing, fire trucks wailing and race cars zooming.
Funny the things you notice when they're gone. Today I'm going to hold my little sweethearts close and enjoy my noisy, messy house, because it just isn't home without them

But don't mistake this, grandparents, feel free to come take kiddos anytime! ;) this mommy does appreciate the break!


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