This guy

Hudson's been running a fever for the last two nights. We came home from trick-or-treating and changed his clothes to find him burning up and shivering.

We called our On-call "Dr. Granddad" who told us to keep giving meds through the night and watch for the next symptom. That would tell us what this is.

Waiting for the next symptom feels a bit daunting. I laid out towels, clean sheets and a vomit bowl. We lined up meds and braced ourselves.

With every sound on the monitor Dan popped up ready to go to Huddy's aid. Sweet guy set his alarm for every 2 hours to check on him and give meds. How's that for a pretty amazing daddy?

As for that next symptom, the wait continues. No fever this morning so maybe we dodged a bullet.

Two years ago I would think we are in the clear. Now, this mama knows better!


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